We've compiled a list of local business that offer products and services you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you don't see what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.
Support Groups
Widowed People:
National Association for Widowed People
P.O. Box 3564
Springfield, IL 62708
Widowed Persons Service
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
601 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20049
(202) 434-2260
Parents Who Have Experienced the Death of a Child:
The Compassionate Friends
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, IL 60522-3696
(630) 990-0010
Parents of Murdered Children
100 East Eighth Street, Room B41
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 721-5683
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance
1314 Bedford Ave., Suite 210
Baltimore, MD 21208
(800) 221-SIDS
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation
7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 460
Bethesda, MD 20814
(800) 366-2223
Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Ectopic Pregnancy & Early Infant Death:
St. Joseph Health Center
SHARE National Office
300 First Capital Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301
(800) 821-6819
Victims Services Agency
2 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10007
(212) 577-7777
American Association of Suicidology
4201 Connecticut Ave. NW #310
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 237-2280
Terminal Illness:
Make Today Count
P.O. Box 303
Burlington, IA 52601
For Hospice Care:
National Hospice Organization
1901 N. Moore St., Suite 901
Arlington, VA 22209
(800) 658-8898
AIDS Action Council
2033 M Street NW, Suite 802
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 293-2886
Flower Shops
Added Touch Floral
1204 N. 81 Hwy.
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
(580) 251-9998
Dillard Flower Shop
1501 W. Main St.
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
(580) 255-7067
Flowers by Bob
1402 Oak St.
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
(580) 255-0785
Holbrook Flowers
4019 N. 81 Hwy.
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
(580) 255-0785
Linda's Flowers
224 W. Main St.
Marlow, Oklahoma 73055
(580) 658-3040
Nita's Flowers
114 N. Broadway
Marlow, Oklahoma 73055
(580) 658-5212
Pat's Flowers
Comanche, Oklahoma
(580) 439-6655
Velma Flower Shop
413 Main St.
Velma, Oklahoma
(580) 444-3445
Chisholm Trail Hospice of Duncan Regional Hospital
1407 Whisenant Dr.
Duncan, OK 73533
(580)251-8764 or
Duncan Regional Hospital Home Care
1407 Whisenant Dr.
Duncan, OK 73533
(580)251-8764 or
Autumn Light Hospice
1608 Jones
Duncan, OK 73533
or (580)252-1266
Indian Territory Hospice
112 N. Broadway
Walters, OK 73572
or (580)875-3975